Friday, October 2, 2015

The mol (mole)

I am confused as to how to make this mole. What type of mole should I make? Dracumol, Barack obamole? What do I stuff it with? Sand, Bodily organs, cotton balls? How big should my mole be? A microwave, a cup, 2x4?? I would like more specifications on how to make this mole. This is only because I don't want to waste a bunch of time making something over the top. Or not putting enough effort into it and getting a bad grade. Is this a project where I need to get my glue out or my Sottering iron? If there is a limit to moleing then I would like to know where the average limit of moleing is. Many would consider a mole as a pesky rodent our parents whine about ruining the lawn. If you want one of those I can get you them. Since you know now my predicament, I dare ask the question... how do I mole?

1 comment:

  1. Dracumole, bodily fluids, and microwave sized of course. You should totally make it over the top who knows maybe Frank will give you extra credit, ha, just kidding we both know that won't happen. But, no, just make it super cool dude.
