Showing posts with label Introduction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Introduction. Show all posts

Monday, September 14, 2015


Hello random person who has acquainted themselves with the world of blogs and my specific blog in this world. I am Jack Duggan and I like stuff. Most of this stuff will not be stated on this blog for this blog is required of a class known to be chemistry. The scientific investigation used in this class and the foundry of the world itself will be posted on this blog. A couple posts a week will be made and they will most likely be abut stuff. Not my stuff. Class stuff. This class stuff might be useful to the unknowing blog walker, but that is their decision to make. If you so happen to recover yourself to this blog I will humbly ask you to be kind to other "bloggies" and to me, for I am not choosing to do this. I am being required to by the leader of this class (known to be chemistry) to create this blog. Which I will humbly do and not complain. Though it may seem as though I shall do this on occasion.