Showing posts with label Aqueous solutions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aqueous solutions. Show all posts

Friday, January 15, 2016

Murder mystery lab

There was a murder... DUN DUN DUNUNUNUNN!!!!!!! Of a fictional character who died by mysterious circumstances and all that was left was a puddle of a liquid she drank which caused her to die. to find out who did it we (as the detective) must use our chemistry knowledge to figure out who the culprit was by finding the chemical weapon and the morality of it. To do this we start by mixing the murder weapon with another chemical and because it reacts and forms a precipitate we know it is Silver Nitrate. to find the molarity of the substance we measure the weight of the formed precipitate.
After doing this we narrow down the culprit to being the professor who killed the girl.

Acid solutions

Our most recent lesson is about How stoichiometry can be used to find different components in an aqueous solution with an acid

Friday, January 8, 2016

dilutions lab

today we did a lab to give us an example of dilutions and how to do dilutions. We started out with a cup of 20 drops of food coloring . after this was done we proceeded to take one ml out and add 19 ml of clear water so that the next dilution in the line was also 20 ml continuing until the final solution was what looked to be clear water again.