Showing posts with label Biodiesel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biodiesel. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Biodiesel boats

Today wall be a day that will be forever set in history books as the most amazing day of all time. Our class has finally put our Chik fill ah biodiesel on our boats and sped across the finish line. Sadly my partner was not there to help make the boat but we did work together to make the fuel.

making the fuel:

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Biodiesel video

Our video for the biodiesel project was cantered around a outdoors informational type idea. We had each person in our group contribute. Ajay had a wicked camera and David edited it, i provided for driving us on location and Zuri was onscreen. Doing this project was quite fun and i'm sure almost everyone learned something about the subject matter. I haven't seen any of the other videos, but I feel that someone at our school could win some prize money. Our video can be found HERE and hope we win!

Friday, March 18, 2016

Beginning biodiesel.

This unit is going to be a little bit different than most of our previous ones. it is going to be based off of making a boat, and propelling it with fuel we make. the other part of this unit revolves around making a video promoting biodiesel. Our group for the video is me, Ajay, David, and Zuri.