Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Measurement quiz and other stuff

The quiz we took recently on Monday was seemingly easy. From my personal experience this means that I most likely failed it. Every thing that was on the quiz seemed to be simple math problems. I feel like I missed something because of this. Yesterday we went over dimensional analysis notes. I felt that I knew everything in the slides already. This was caused by the amount I have had to relearn this information. BTW if you ever come across a conversion from hours to seconds its 3600 seconds in 1 hour. that comes across everywhere in sciences and math. i was very annoyed in physics last year when I had to convert hours to seconds by multiplying by 60 twice every time. I can only suggest you remember this and also that 2.54 centimeters in 1 inch.

Friday, October 23, 2015


So we made moles... To tell the truth this was not my favorite project. Mostly due to the lack of sewing skills I have. On the other hand, this was a good simple project which was not as stress inducing as the others. My favorite mole was probably the lovely Mole Dancer. She was a gorgeous woman with a touching backstory of how she had to feed her children. And how the rest of her money went to aniMOLE shelters around town. Plus she spins soooo... yeah. Also we had a lovely party today to celebrate Mol day. A big group of students brought in food and everyone had a good time. Everyone who was there that is. There was a field trip so about half the class was gone, which made the party a little bit more dull. As per usual, Eric brought cookies and I still refuse to fall into his trap. I know hes going to do something horrible to them one day. Like put in raisins instead of chocolate chips. I strongly encourage the idea that if you give an Eric an idea, then he will destroy the world.

Sig. Fig. (like the plant)

Significant Digits is the proper showing of the accuracy of a measurement or created number. For the rest of our chemistry lives we will be required to use proper sig fig in our classwork. To Use proper sig fig in addition/subtraction you must use the amount of digits past the decimal place of the number with the least amount past the decimal place. So if number 1 is 92.385 and number 2 is 26.02496 and to add these numbers would result with 3 digits past the decimal place. If you are multiplying then you must use the lowest variable of significant digits of the numbers you are multiplying. So if you were to multiply 123.456 and 98.7 then your result would only require 3 sig figs to be in proper notation.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

The Aspirin Lab

Yesterday we finally had a winner. It was for all the marbles and they took home the gold. Every other group in the class failed the prelab quiz for the aspirin lab. which is a lab to make aspirin out of salicilic acid and acetic anhydride. These aspirin are to be used throughout the year in multiple other labs. If the whole class missed the prelab quiz then we would have all gotten a 0 on the aspirin lab. Luckily we had a group come in clutch and save the day. Thank you guys so much.

Friday, October 2, 2015

The mol (mole)

I am confused as to how to make this mole. What type of mole should I make? Dracumol, Barack obamole? What do I stuff it with? Sand, Bodily organs, cotton balls? How big should my mole be? A microwave, a cup, 2x4?? I would like more specifications on how to make this mole. This is only because I don't want to waste a bunch of time making something over the top. Or not putting enough effort into it and getting a bad grade. Is this a project where I need to get my glue out or my Sottering iron? If there is a limit to moleing then I would like to know where the average limit of moleing is. Many would consider a mole as a pesky rodent our parents whine about ruining the lawn. If you want one of those I can get you them. Since you know now my predicament, I dare ask the question... how do I mole?

Science test

Yesterday we had a test which seemed quite easy. At least to me this shows how we incorporate what we learn In class to our other activities. This ends up reinforcing the connection of lesson to objective. I hardly feel like I need to study due to the fact that we reuse the lesson at the right time. The tests themselves have been organized so that the sets of information that we learned. This is useful in that we rethink of the information in clumps and theses clumps are organized in the test.