Friday, September 25, 2015

The beanium lab

I believe this lab was a good example of the isotopes and average atomic mass, but I was not able to participate much because of the fact that my partner did everything before I could even start. Now I know this sounds bad but my partner is really smart and helpful. Because he did this I was actually more interested in the lab. When thinking back on the lab I understand how everything relates to the notes we have been doing. We used the Equations we learned previously in class and implemented the equations we learned.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

The black circle things

The lab we did yesterday after class made little to no sense. The basis of it was taking two blacked out petri dishes and having a shape in them. In this shape there is a ball that we can move around and we try to find out the shape in the dishes. Somehow this relates to chemistry, if it does then it was a deep learning experience. Though it was a confusing relationship with the lesson I still quite enjoyed it because it made no sense and we had to figure it out. I'll give it a Preahdeths Revenge out of Gallahorn.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

the test (pre-test)

Lets just say that I am glad it was a pretest. I did not understand a single thing on that piece of paper except for where to put my name. Not naming names, but i'm fairly sure about 90% of the class guessed on the answers. If this were by chance a real graded test then my grade would be 6 ft under along with me. The only person who understands anything is the teacher sees my tears on it when she grades it.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Reflections about learning

Our learning experience so far has been educational (not a joke). The teaching methods our teacher has shown to us are a beneficial stratagem. we learn the basics of a section in a lively class discussion and then re-use this information to reemphasize its importance . Also the information is not too much to deal with at any given point, which makes it easy to keep track of. So far the information we have learned has been in a good environment and I enjoy learning it due to the attitude of our teacher and class environment. I believe this will be an very good class.

Reflection on nomenclature

Nomenclature reflection

This is the first subject to be learnt in our class. Through the teachers help and other means I now understand how to name a portion of compounds based on their names. Understanding these compounds will help me in the future of this class by one, introducing me to new compounds and the procedure of this class, and two, doing this in an easy unit to not over stress me to harshly and scare me from the class. This section can be divided by groups. the main one being the type of nomenclature. Which is type 1,2,3, nomenclature. all three of these groups are similar and simple. the main challenge is just remembering the distinctions between them.


Hello random person who has acquainted themselves with the world of blogs and my specific blog in this world. I am Jack Duggan and I like stuff. Most of this stuff will not be stated on this blog for this blog is required of a class known to be chemistry. The scientific investigation used in this class and the foundry of the world itself will be posted on this blog. A couple posts a week will be made and they will most likely be abut stuff. Not my stuff. Class stuff. This class stuff might be useful to the unknowing blog walker, but that is their decision to make. If you so happen to recover yourself to this blog I will humbly ask you to be kind to other "bloggies" and to me, for I am not choosing to do this. I am being required to by the leader of this class (known to be chemistry) to create this blog. Which I will humbly do and not complain. Though it may seem as though I shall do this on occasion.